about me

the basics:

I'm Synth, a university student with an interest in neuroscience. She/her|Le/lem.

the site:

This is my personal website. I quite like the "make frontend shit again" movement/ideal, so if you catch me turning this website into a shitty modern-minimalist web-2.0 commercial website, I'm giving you blanket permission to hack my account and turn all my fonts into ugly ones.

I took one year of Java/Compsci and remember none of it, so this website is made by staring at a Brackets window and occasionally panickedly clicking on the w3schools website.

Why the name? This site was originally meant to be for my original characters, back when I was in High School. I hate the name, but I don't want to change it and break the search engine.

the content:

My Tumblr is where I'm most active, so this site won't be as up-to-date on my personal life. That being said, I'll try to talk about my interests, personal projects (if they ever get finished), and just... things I like here.
